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John Kennard of Newfields, New Hampshire. A cherry case tall clock with mahogany cross-banding. RR-62.

This mahogany cross-banded cherry case tall clock stands on four nicely shaped turned feet. They exhibit good form and are nicely detailed with shaping and ring turnings. All four feet are applied to the underside of the base. A drop apron forms a skirt that hangs from the base panel. An applied reeded molding defines the top of the apron from the base. The base panel is framed with a cross-banded mahogany border. The center is a figured cherry panel. The waist is long and features a rectangular-shaped waist door. Unlock and open this door; you will have access to the two drive weights and pendulum. This door is designed with an applied molding fitted around the perimeter. The panel is also cross-banded with a mahogany border. The wood selected for the central panel exhibits a strong figure. It is formatted vertically. Finely reeded quarter columns flank the sides of the waist door. These terminate in brass quarter capitals. The blocks under each quarter column are lined inlaid with a rectangular-shaped pattern. The bonnet features a whale's tail style fretwork design. Three reeded finial plinths support the brass finials. These finials are original to this clock and are lovely. The arched bonnet door is lined inlaid with dark wood and fitted with glass. The bonnet columns are mounted in brass capitals. They share the same reeded design exhibited in the waist section. These columns visually support the upper bonnet molding. 

The iron dial is skillfully painted and is of Boston origin. The Nolen & Curtis firm painted this dial in Boston. The four spandrel areas feature lacy gilt designs that frame a green medallion. Peaches and grapes are featured in the arch. A bird stands on top of the fruit. The time ring is framed with a gilt circle. The quarter hours are demarked with Arabic numerals. A segmented minute ring separates them from the Roman-style hour numerals. It is interesting to note that traditional seconds and calendar day displays have been omitted. This dial is signed "J. S. Kennard" in script lettering.

This fine movement is constructed in brass and is of good quality. Four turned pillars support the two brass plates. Hardened steel shafts support the polished steel pinions, brass gearing, and recoil escapement. The winding drums are grooved. The weight-driven movement is designed to run for eight days on a full wind. It is a two-train or a time-and-strike design with a rack and snail striking system. As a result, it will strike each hour on the hour on a cast iron bell mounted above the movement.  

This fine clock was made circa 1815. It stands approximately 7 feet 6 inches tall to the top of the center finial. At the upper bonnet molding, it is 21.25 inches wide and 11 inches deep.

Inventory number RR-62.


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John Kennard was born in Kittery, Maine, in 1782. He was one of nine children born to Timothy Kennard and Abigail Stevens, who married on September 8, 1779. John is thought to have learned clockmaking in Portsmouth, NH. On July 3, 1806, he married Sarah Ewer, daughter of James and Drusilla (Ewer) Burleigh. They moved around New Hampshire, living in Nashua and then in Concord before moving to Newfields in 1812. In Newfields, they occupied the Palmer House. Here he made clocks and kept a store. He was postmaster from 1822 through 1824. He served as Town Clerk, Selectman, and State Representative. In 1823, John built the Kennard House on Piscassie Street and began a foundry with Temple Paul and the Drakes. They sold out in 1834. John died on January 14, 1861. Tall clocks, banjo clocks, and a surveyor’s quarter circle with a compass are known.


  • John Kennard of Newfields, New Hampshire. A cherry case tall clock with mahogany cross-banding. RR-62.
  • John Kennard of Newfields, New Hampshire. A cherry case tall clock with mahogany cross-banding. RR-62. Delaney Antique Clocks.
  • Newfields, NH Clockmaker John Kennard. Tall clock. RR-62. Delaney Antique Clocks.