Asaph Whitcomb A clock and watchmaker working in Stow, Concord and Watertown, Massachusetts.
Asaph Whitcomb. A clock and watchmaker working in Stow, Concord and Watertown, Massachusetts.
Asaph Whitcomb was the son of Simeon Whitcomb (1750-1809 and Judith (Brown) Whitcomb (1747-1836).born in Marlborough, MA, on April 10, 1778. His death date and location are not currently known. Asaph Whitcomb married Marsylvia Randall of Stow, Massachusetts on November 4, 1778. Together they had three children. Benjamin Franklin was born in 1808, Cyrus on December 16, 1809 and trained to be a clockmaker and Marsylvia in 1812. Asaph Whitcomb worked in the towns of Stow, Concord and Watertown, Massachusetts. He is listed in Stow in 1808-11. On March 18,1799, it is recorded that while in Stowe, he was paid 15 pounds, 5 shillings for teaching school. He is then recorded as having a shop in the town of Concord on the Mill Dam next door to clockmaker Nathaniel Munroe in 1817. By 1820, he had relocated to Watertown and is listed there as a watchmaker and as a “manufacturer.†Tall clocks and a Massachusetts shelf clock with a kidney shaped dial are recorded. A watch paper is also known.
For more information about this Maker and others, please read Paul Foley's book, “Willard's Patent Timepieces.\"
Clocks From This Maker