Charles Townsend of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Charles Townsend is a listed clockmaker in several horological references. He had a long career as a clock and watchmaker. The first record of him in Philadelphia is in 1799. He had a shop that was located on Front Street and stayed at this location until 1804. In 1804, he was also listed at 105 Chestnut Street. This double listing continues through 1808. This double entry might suggest that his shop and residence were separate at this time. After 1808, he is listed only at the 105 Chestnut street address until 1833. Townsend then moved to 21 Walnut Street in 1835, 10th Street during the period 1837 through 1842, and lastly, 49 South 10th Street from 1843 through 1849. He had at least one son, Charles Jr., who was also a clock and watchmaker.
Clocks From This Maker