Cornelius Miller of Elizabeth Town, New Jersey.
Cornelius Miller was the son of the now well known Elizabeth Town clockmaker Aaron Miller. Aaron was one of the earliest clockmakers in the state of New Jersey advertising and constructing clocks as early as 1747. Very little is known of son Cornelius. It is thought that his father trained him as a clockmaker. Aaron also trained his son-in law-Isaac Brokaw who produced numerous clocks. Cornelius on the other produced very few. I am not currently aware of another Cornelius Miller tall case example to have survived. Cornelius Miller died in 1779, the same year his father past.
Clocks From This Maker

This is a very rare clock. The case is typical of the Queen Anne form that was popular until the American Revolution. The case is constructed in Gumwood which is sometimes called \Sugar pine.\" Gumwood is a closed grain hard wood that is somewhat… read more