Daniel Munroe Jr. of Concord and Boston, Massachusetts.
Daniel Munroe Jr., Clockmaker and silversmith, was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, on July 13, 1775. Daniel Munroe senior and his wife Abigail Parker had five sons that they raised in Roxbury. The Munroe family is well connected to American History and the clock trade. Daniel senior's father, Jedediah Munroe, died in the Battle of Lexington. Daniel's mother, Abigail Parker of Roxbury, was the eldest daughter of Jonathan Parker. Jonathan, a farmer living in Roxbury, was one of the 13 Patriots who participated in the Boston Tea Party. This act of defiance against British rule and their taxation policies took place on Griffin's Wharf on December 16, 1773.
Daniel Jr. was trained in the art of clockmaking by America's most famous Clockmaker, Simon Willard, in Roxbury. Daniel served the traditional seven-year apprenticeship. Simon wrote in a letter dated July 13, 1796, that described Daniel as "... one of the best workman in America." After serving his apprenticeship, Daniel worked for a short time as a journeyman clockmaker in Willards Roxbury clock shop before moving to Concord, Massachusetts, sometime before 1798. Here he kept a shop opposite the Clothing Mill and worked as a clockmaker and silversmith. There are a small number of clocks known that are signed by Daniel that are thought to have been made during this brief period of working alone in Concord. From 1798 through 1804, the three Munroe brothers formed a partnership. Nathaniel was also a clockmaker. William was a skilled cabinetmaker. The business was called Daniel Munroe & Co. and operated as such until William left the partnership in 1804.
A fair number of clocks exist today that bear this partnership's label. This label is located inside the case. It is pasted to the inside of the waist door of their tall case clocks. William was a cabinetmaker and left the partnership in 1804. On November 29, 1804, William married Sarah Dakin (1781-1856) in Concord. The clockmaker partnership between Daniel and Nathaniel lasts another three years. In 1805, Nathaniel went to Norfolk, VA, to promote their business. The labels on their tall clocks often reflect this. They mention that their clocks could be shipped. In 1807, Daniel moved back to Boston and opened a shop located at 51 Newbury Street. While in Boston, he advertises at several different Boston addresses, including No. 51 Ann Street, in 1809. In 1811 he was located at No. 35 1/2 Cornhill Street, and from 1813 through 1814, Daniel formed a partnership with Ezekiel Jones as Munroe & Jones. By 1816, Daniel was working at No. 47 Cornhill Street, then in 1823, he moved to No. 38 Congress Street. Interestingly, very few tall clocks are known that are thought to have been made during his return to Boston. In 1839, he moved to New York City. He then moved back to Boston from 1841 through 1856. Daniel died in Boston on October 21, 1859.
Clocks From This Maker