Eleazer Cary (Carey). Clockmaker, Goldsmith, and Musician working in Norwich and Windham, Connecticut.
Eleazer Cary was born in Mansfield, Connecticut, on December 14, 1769, and died in Windham on November 20, 1820. He was the son of Nathaniel and Zervia (Storrs) Cary. It is not currently known who trained Eleazer as a clockmaker. He may have trained as a clockmaker under the guidance of Jacob Sargeant since he is listed as working there. His probate record lists that Eleazer had a clock engine in his inventory at the time of his death. This is evidence that Cary made clocks. His name is also listed in the account books of the Windham cabinetmaker Amos Dennison Allen and Pomfret's cabinetmaker David Goodell as buying clock cases from both of them. Cary's movements can be identified by a distinctively shaped movement post. It is designed using two tapered cones that support a compressed ball in the center. They are also embellished with several ring turnings. An engraved brass dial clock that Eleazer Cary signs is known. This clock features a movement that is constructed with this distinctive post design. Eleazer married Matilda Parish on November 23, 1791. He was also a highly skilled musician widely known as "Eleazer the Fiddler." He began playing while living in Mansfield. He moved to Norwich in about 1790 and then to Windham soon after.