Ivory Hall of Concord, New Hampshire.
Ivory Hall worked in Concord, New Hampshire as a clockmaker, watchmaker, silversmith, and jeweler between the dates 1816-1864. He was born in 1795, died in Concord on Nov. 15, 1880. In May 1819, he advertised his shop being located \"Opposite Gales Tavern, and one door south of the Phoenix Hotel, Concord, NH. That he has for sale, Patent timepieces, He manufactures, Willard's Patent and Plain timepieces, and most kinds of Gold and Silver Ware.\" The Phoenix Hotel was owned and operated by Abel Hutchins. In Feb. 1832, Hall advertised his removal and \"that he has purchased the stock in trade of Col. ROBERT DAVIS, and has taken the shop recently occupied by him\". In Oct. 1833, Hall sold his stock and relinquished his stand to Isaac A. Hall and recommend his former customers patronize his successor. However, by Feb. 1834 Hall was in business again and advertised at \"J. WELLERS SHOP in the south wing of the Eagle Coffee-House, where he has for sale a good assortment of Silver Ware, Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, &c\".
Signed tall clocks, New Hampshire mirror clocks and patent timepieces are known. (Concord Courier, May 31, 1819 New Hampshire Patriot, Feb. 20, 1832, Oct. 14, 1833, Feb. 3, 1834)