Jeremiah Fellows of Kensington, New Hampshire.
Jeremiah Fellows was a clockmaker, gunsmith, farmer, deacon and a tavern keeper. He was born on June 12th, 1749 and died in 1837. He was the son of Jeremiah Fellows, a blacksmith and Ruth (Rowe) Fellows. Jeremiah was the oldest of seven children. He married Mary Gore. He is said to have been at work in Kensington as early as 1770 though 1825. It is recorded that his sons took over his blacksmith shop in that year. He also operated a tavern until 1776 when it was burned. In 1778, he purchased land from the Puringtons and enlarged the workshop. The Puringtons were also a clockmaking family and Jeremiah must have had a close working relationship with them. Their clocks are very similar in construction. It is thought that he made some of his own cases which he sold at a discount compared to those he purchased from the local joiner Ebenezer Clifford. The Clifford cased clocks sold for $25 more than his own. Several other clocks are known. Some of which are numbered. To date, the highest number known to us is Number 22. A fine tall clock that is numbered 11 is in the New Hampshire Historical Society's Collection. That clock was most likely made in 1784. This is based on a clock known that is signed by the Maker in the arch of the dial. It is also numbered \"10,\" and dated \"1784.\"
Clocks From This Maker