Thomas Hutchinson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Hutchinson is listed as a watch and clockmaker in several horological references. In truth, little is currently known about him. He is listed as working as a silversmith in Lancaster boro in 1773. In 1776, he is recorded as a maker of Dutch-type clocks and was working in Washington, Washington, Co., PA. On February 1, 1800, he applied for the Washington Mechanical Society membership. According to the tax records, he was active in Washington through 1824. In September of 1823, he advertised in The Washington Reporter that he began his clockmaking business again.
We have personally seen a clock that was inscribed on the backplate of the movement that he made in 1815 and, at the time, was working in Philadelphia. This tall clock was made for Rev. James Gray, DD.
Notes: It is reported that a Thomas Hutchinson inlaid tall case clock is in the Carnegie Museum of Art. Late circa 1830.
Clocks From This Maker