Thomas Wagstaffe of London, England.
Thomas Wagstaffe is listed in Brain Loomes's Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World, Volume 1. He worked as a clockmaker & watchmaker between 1756 through 1793. Thomas was born in 1724 in the small town of Banbury, Oxfordshire, England, located some 67 miles northwest of London. By 1753, he was listed as a merchant and Taylor in London and later as a watchmaker. It has been told that he was a physically large individual. He was diligent, a prolific worker, and, by temperament, patient and conscientious. His correspondence indicates a warm and highly socialized personality. He was a dedicated Quaker and had many acquaintances who lived in America. Most of whom lived in the Philadelphia area. When Quakers from Colonial America visited London, they were welcomed and received lodging in his home. It was not uncommon for many of these visitors to return to America with one of his movements to be cased here. Some 30-plus examples exist, including one in the collection at Winterthur with a case constructed by Thomas Affleck, a very talented Philadelphia cabinetmaker. Wagstaffe clocks are highly prized in England and enjoy the same hallowed reputation as the Willard Family does in America. Thomas lived until 1802.
Clocks From This Maker