Welch, Spring & Co. Forestville, Connecticut.
The Welch, Spring & Co. was formed in 1868 to produce a better quality clock than its parent label, E. N. Welch. The clocks produced incorporated high-quality wood in the construction of their cases and a higher level of detail work. As a result, Welch & Spring Clocks were often more expensively priced.
Elisha Niles Welch was born on February 7, 1809. He Had many ventures in clock-related businesses over his lifetime. He was the first Bristol Brass and Clock Co. President in 1850. He absorbed many clock businesses over a relatively short period. In 1864, he formed them into the E. N. Welch Mfg. Co, Some of those acquisitions included the Manross clock business in Forestville, J.C. Brown, John Birge, Frederick Otis, and Irenus Atkins. Welch was also a world traveler and a lover of the arts and music. He often invited guests to his house and provided them with entertainment. Several clock models were named after his talented entertainment. One popular model, the “Patti V. P.” was named after the prodigy vocalist, “Adelina Patti.” Adelina was a soprano prima donna. She is described as a beautiful woman who was wealthy, liberated, and a nonconformist. She was very popular with men.
Solomon Crosby Spring, SC, was born on January 29, 1826, in Grandby, Connecticut and died in 1906. He was the son of Thomas Spring and Candace Holcomb. SC began his career in the business of designing, manufacturing and managing clock-related activities. He worked for S. B. Terry in Terryville and later moved to Bristol. By 1858, he was in business for himself as S. C. Spring. This company was the successor to the Birge, Peck, & Company. Solomon retired from clock-making in 1895.
Clocks From This Maker