Jonathan at the Dial in Pall Mall, London Lowndes
Jonathan Lowndes is a celebrated clockmaker. He is listed as a clockmaker in Brian Loomes, Clockmakers and Watchmakers of the World and in Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers. In 1680, Jonathan Lowndes is listed in the Clockmakers Company and served as a steward in 1696. He remained a member until 1710. Longcase, bracket and lantern clocks are known. He also made watches. Several other examples of his clocks are known. A bracket clock about made about 1685 was also included in the Wetherfield Collection. The Long Island Historical Society also had a bracket clock made by him in their collection.
Clocks From This Maker

This important clock has an interesting ownership history. It was owned by Mr David Wetherfield of Black Heath, England, and was included in his fine collection of 224 clocks spread throughout his house. It took him some forty years to compile.… read more