Crafts MacKay working in Boston, MA, Charlestown, SC, and Philadelphia, PA.
Crafts Mackay is listed in Clockmakers & Watchmakers of America By Name & Place, written by Thomas & Sonya Spittler and Chris Bailey. Mackay is listed as working in Boston from 1785 through 1789 and then in Charlestown, SC, from 1790 through 1814. Mackay moved again to Philadelphia, PA, in 1805. He originally immigrated from Scotland to London and then to America. Two English-style bracket clocks, including this one, are reported.
Clocks From This Maker

This is a wonderful example of an American-signed bracket clock that may be of UK origin. The vast majority of American signed bracket clocks that share this case form was, in fact, constructed in England and sold to the American retail market.… read more