Jonathan Lowndes, working at the Dial in Pall Mall, London. From the Wetherfield Collection of Clocks. Acquired by Arthur S. Vernay, Inc. VV-30.
This important clock has an interesting ownership history. It was owned by Mr David Wetherfield of Black Heath, England, and was included in his fine collection of 224 clocks spread throughout his house. It took him some forty years to compile. This extensive and meticulously curated collection is a testament to the owner's discerning taste and dedication to preserving the art of clockmaking. After his death in March of 1928, the executors began to search for an English buyer to purchase the entire collection, in accordance with Mr. Wetherfield's wish not to have the Americans buy them. The result was that they were sent to Auction. Francis Mallet of Mallet and Son, a Bond Street antique dealer, collaborated with the well-known dealer-collector Percy Webster, and the American furniture and clock dealer Arthur S. Vernay of NYC bought the entire collection for 33,000 pounds. As a result, 96 of the clocks came to America. Today, the clocks from this collection are now spread around the world, each carrying the legacy of Mr. Wetherfield's passion for horology. This clock is pictured in The Wetherfield Collection of English Clocks on page 29, plate 36. It is also pictured in Britten's Old English Clocks – The Wethersfield Collection as Figure 86. It is also illustrated in Wheeler's Old English Furniture, in figure 131.
Jonathan Lowndes, the celebrated clockmaker of this fine clock, is a significant figure in the history of horology. He is listed as a clockmaker in Brian Loomes' Clockmakers and Watchmakers of the World and Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers. In 1680, he was listed in the Clockmakers Company and served as a steward in 1696, a testament to his standing in the profession. He remained a member until 1710, leaving a lasting impact on the industry. His longcase, bracket, and lantern clocks are known for their exceptional craftsmanship and innovative designs, and he also made watches, showcasing his versatility and skill. His contributions to the field of clockmaking are reflected in this clock's intricate design and impeccable functionality.
This fine case exhibits excellent proportions. This example stands approximately 92 inches tall and is approximately 19.25 inches wide at the broadest molding on the hood. The dial is approximately 12 inches square. This clock was made circa 1690.
The case is constructed in oak and is decoratively veneered in richly figured walnut. This case also features a highly complex inlaid decoration that is called marquetry. This complex inlay pattern was all the rage in London from 1690 through 1725 in longcase design. Separate pieces of wood, often colored, are laid out in decorative patterns. This example features a "Seaweed marquetry" pattern. Long vine-like intersecting patterns are laid out on the forward-facing surfaces of the case, including on many of the shaped surfaces of the moldings. Please note the uneven surface of this design caused by the shifting of the oak substructure and the shrinkage of the veneer. This is a telltale sign that this case has age and is not a reproduction.
This fine example now stands flat on the floor on an applied molding attached to the base. At one time, it was slightly raised off the floor on thin wooden pad feet. A double-stepped molding transitions the profile line gently up to the base section. The base is somewhat compressed compared with long case clocks of a later period. The waist is long and narrow, highlighting the case's excellent proportions. The waist door is quite large and fills the waist section. It is trimmed with applied molding and features a circular cutout in the center. This circular opening in the design is adorned with a brass ring fitted with glass. This window measures just over four inches in diameter and is called a "Lenticle." Its purpose is to allow one to view the motion of the brass-faced pendulum bob without opening the clock's door. It also informs the admirer that this clock is fitted with a long pendulum. This was considered new technology for the day. The sides of this case are decoratively finished. They are horizontally veneered in walnut and feature line inlaid paneled designs. This was the tradition of many London cabinetmakers. The bonnet or hood is designed with an inverted bell caddy top and central finial plinth. Two additional plinths flank this. All are fitted with ball and spire finials. The finials are turned from wood and gilded. Below this is a pierced frieze or blind fret, a boldly formed hood molding, and an additional section of blind fretwork. Large rectangular glass side lights are positioned on each side of the hood. The squared hood door is fitted with three-quarter Doric columns. These and the quarter Doric columns at the back of the case terminate in brass capitals.
The twelve-and-a-half-inch square dial is brass and features applied decorations in the form of twin cherub and crown spandrels, a large minute ring with diamond half-quarter and half-hour markers, and a seconds ring. The engraved chapter ring frames the matted center on the dial. This center section is textured to make the finely formed steel hands more visible when viewing the dial. The month calendar is framed with decorative herringbone engraving along the canted edge. The second hole and the winding holes are decorated with ring turnings. The applied time ring is engraved with an interior minute ring, Roman hour numerals, a separate minute ring located outside the hours, and five-minute markers in Arabic form. The time ring, seconds ring, and calendar are finished in silver. This clock is signed on the lower section of this time ring by the Maker, along with his working location. Four heavily cast brass spandrels are applied to the corners of the dial. The area between the spandrels is decoratively embellished with engravings on the dial sheet.
This weight-driven movement is constructed in brass and features a very unusual strike train design. The strike train is governed by an internal rack striking the hour on a large cast iron bell mounted on a stand above the movement. The design of the internal rack is unusual. The rack is more commonly located on the outside of the front plate. Another distinctive feature is that this movement strikes once in the half-hour on a second smaller cast iron bell mounted above the movement on a bell stand. As for the construction of the works, five knob and finned posts support the two large brass plates. Steel shafts support the brass gearing. Both winding barrels are grooved. It is designed to run for eight days on a full wind. The escapement is a recoil design and features a seconds length pendulum. Overall, this movement is of excellent quality. The fact that it survives today in excellent working order is proof of this.
This clock was made circa 1710. It is approximately 8 feet 5.5 inches tall to the top of the center finial. The largest part of the case, the upper hood molding, measures approximately 20 inches wide and 10.75 inches deep.
Inventory number VV-30.
Jonathan Lowndes is a celebrated clockmaker. He is listed as a clockmaker in Brian Loomes, Clockmakers and Watchmakers of the World and in Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers. In 1680, Jonathan Lowndes is listed in the Clockmakers Company and served as a steward in 1696. He remained a member until 1710. Longcase, bracket and lantern clocks are known. He also made watches. Several other examples of his clocks are known. A bracket clock about made about 1685 was also included in the Wetherfield Collection. The Long Island Historical Society also had a bracket clock made by him in their collection.