Sibley & Marble (Clark Sibley & Simeon Marble), clock and watchmakers working in New Haven, Connecticut.
Sibley & Marble (Clark Sibley & Simeon Marble) are listed in American Clocks Volume 3. American Clockmakers & Watchmakers. This reference book was written by Sonya L. Spittler, Thomas J. Spittler, and Chris H. Bailey and lists them as working in New Haven, Connecticut, from April 1801 through 1807. This partnership was located on Chapel Street, two doors west of Mess. Street & Hughes location. It ended when Sibley died in 1807. Sibley was the firm's active clockmaker. They advertised their service as clock and watchmakers. They also advertised the ability to manufacture steeple clocks, which range in price from $200 to $1,000. Eight-day house clocks with moon and plain faces warranted timepieces, clock and watchmakers' lathes and engines. "Swords and cutlasses mounted with brass or silver in the best manner. Clocks & Watches, Mathematics & Surgeon's Instruments carefully repaired." Marble continued in the jewelry and silverware retail business for many years.
Clocks From This Maker